Computed Images

I am experimenting with algorithms that I develop on my own to process some of my pictures and create some abstract images.

Cellular Automata experimentation

  • Lipstick Building

    Starting with the picture of the lipstick building.

  • Computed Image

    The generated image is the result of an iterative algorithm where a given rule is applied at each iteration. Each rule modifies every pixels that compose the original picture and changes their values. The algorithm then can be tuned to run a number of iterations, with the same or different rules at each step.

  • Historical house in Hudson, NY.

    Starting image.

  • Computed result

    Different rules and iterations were applied.

  • Color Lily

    Another experiment this time in color

  • Computed result

    Iterative rules were applied only to the blue channel.


Vessels to Motherland


Visible Cities